Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hi everyone!

The Maclary PTA is going to be trying some new things to keep you posted on events that are happening in and around our school this year.

Most of you know that we have a website (; but we will now be trying out a "blog" to keep you informed of important events.

Please take a few moments to check out the school's website, especially the calendar, and read the blog for upcoming events.

The Maclary PTA


  1. GOLDFISH $1 AT ACME THRU OCTOBER 15TH!! Those are 5 point upc's for Labels for Education!!! GREAT DEAL!! GO GET 'EM!!
    upc coordinator

  2. Another site to check out to help with organizing the group is

    I don't have much direct experience with them, but it may be a good way to get messages out. Something to look at if we're looking to go as electronic as possible.

    Selena McCullough

  3. Thanks Kirsten! I think I finally got it right!
    Great job with the Blog!

  4. Hi Everyone!

    One week until the FALL FESTIVAL and here's an update:
    - Classroom basket donations were due today. If you still need to make your donation please bring it in Mon or Tues. We are starting to wrap the baskets Monday.
    - If you'd like to make your own donation for the TAG AUCTION they will be accepted anytime!
    - There is about 15 time slots still available if you'd like to volunteer the night of the FEST please contact Heather Klebon or Dorothea Ormsby.
    - Pre-order tickets will be taken until Wednesday. Tickets will be available at the door the night of the FEST.
    - See you at the FALL FESTIVAL Friday, Oct 23rd 5:30 - 8:30pm!!

  5. Please do not forget to get your Movie Night snack pack preorders turned in to school. It is a great event and a great movie!

  6. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember the Giving Tree in the Maclary Lobby. The homeless children of the Emmaus House have asked for such small things for Christmas. Everyone should be able to grant one wish for a kids' christmas this year.

  7. The PTA meeting scheduled February 2, 2010 at 6:30 has been rescheduled for Thursday February 4, 2010 at 6:30. See you then.
